Monday, October 1, 2007

Linear Income Versus Exponential Income Growth

By Adam Khoo

When you focus only on increasing your value per hour and the time you spend, your in-come increases in a linear fashion.

There is a limit to how much you can earn a month, since there is a limit to the number of productive hours you can work. You are literally just selling your time for money.

For example, even if you are a top lawyer who earns $300 per hour and you can only work a maximum of 180 hours a month, your maximum earnings would amount to only $54,000 a month or $648,000 a year.

Now you may say to me, 'Adam, that's not bad at all!' Sure, but why set a ceiling on your earning power?

However if the lawyer were to use the power of scalability by magnifying and multiplying his value (legal advice), then he could earn five to a hundred times more in that same twenty-four hour period.

Scalability is what separates the upper middle income earners and the rich from the truly super rich. Scalability explains why someone can make 100 times more money within
twenty-four hours than anybody else.

Many people have the perception that you can only achieve scalability when you are singer, movie star, sports star or a famous celebrity. Absolutely not!

You can achieve massive magnification or multiplication in any profession, whether you are a chef, garbage collector, lawyer, doctor, teacher or software programmer.

When you fully utilize the power of (value x time x scalability), your wealth will grow exponentially. Let me give you examples of people who have created massive wealth as a result of understanding the power of this formula.

I am sure you have all heard of Colonel Harland Sanders. He is the portly Southern American 'gentleman' the life-size statue fronting all Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets to greet patrons.

Of course Colonel Sanders is a multi-millionaire many times over but do you know that before KFC, Colonel Sanders had found himself at 65 years of age totally broke with nothing but a social security check for $105.

But in less than ten years, at age 73, he had become a self-made multi-millionaire and a household name! How did he achieve this? By being one of the first people in the world to understand the power of multiplication!

Colonel Sander's tremendous value came from his ability to innovate great tasting chicken that people love to eat. How?

By developing his secret blend of eleven herbs and spices and insisting that all his chicken be pressure cooked for hours, something that most other chefs were not willing to do.

In fact, Sanders was so insistent on the superiority of his recipe that he refused to sacrifice taste by cooking his chicken quicker.

Remember, when you do something out of passion (Millionaire Habit 4), do more than expected (Millionaire Habit 1) and think of the value you give to others, money will come naturally.

However, initially Colonel Sanders, though he worked day and night selling his great tasting chicken from his restaurant in Corby, Kentucky, never became wealthy. Why? He had the power of (value x time), but he lacked the scalability factor.

It was in fact a twist of fate that got the Colonel thinking of how he could massively scale his value.

One fateful day, the government built a highway that diverted all the hungry motorists away from his business. As a result, Sanders was forced to close the business down and that's how he found himself broke at age 65.

Instead of giving up, he came up with the fantastic idea of approaching restaurant owners all over the country to offer them his secret recipe for their use.

In return, he would get a percentage of the profits for every chicken they sold. Within a few years, restaurants all over the country were selling thousands of chicken everyday, using his recipe!

Through his franchising concept, he received thousands of dollars in checks every month. He multiplied his value a millionth fold as a result and at age 73 he could sell his business for $2 million.

Remember this was in 1963 and that was a huge sum of money (equivalent to over $10 million today).

You see, when you scale your value, your wealth and success will increase exponentially! Think of ways you can scale your value immediately!

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